Midwives’ engagement with the media

Authors: Luce, A., Hundley, V., van Teijlingen, E., Ridden, S. and Edlund, S.

Pages: 97-110

ISBN: 9783319635125

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-63513-2_7


Historically, women have learned about childbirth from their mothers and sisters, and from seeing childbirth in the family or community. In the more recent past, women would have gone to books for advice. Today, we see that women are turning to media to learn about what the experience of childbirth is like. This poses an interesting dilemma for midwives who support mothers during their pregnancy. This chapter will discuss the findings from two closely linked research projects that speak to midwives about their experience with women who are allegedly influenced by the media in their decisions about childbirth. The chapter will explore how midwives understand their profession to be depicted in the media and will also explore how midwives engage with the media. We will provide some suggestions for midwives moving forward who wish to create more positive representations of childbirth and early labour in the media.

Source: Scopus

Midwives' Engagement with the Media

Authors: Luce, A., Hundley, V., van Teijlingen, E., Ridden, S. and Edlund, S.

Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan


This edited collection - one of a kind in its field - addresses the theoretical and practical implications facing representations of midwifery and media. Bringing together international scholars and practitioners, this succinct volume offers a cross-disciplinary discussion regarding the role of media in childbirth, midwifery and pregnancy representation. One chapter critiques the provision and dissemination of health information and promotional materials in a suburban antenatal clinic, while others are devoted to specific forms of media - television, the press, social media – looking at how each contribute to women’s perceptions and anxieties with regard to childbirth.


Source: Manual