Using animation as a tool in Primary School Education - Greek Mythology

Authors: Efstathiou, S. and Callus, P.

Conference: Using animation as a tool in Primary School Education - Greek Mythology

Dates: June 2010


This project was a collaborative event that will involve a series of workshops and lectures over the span of 5 weeks to staff/ students at Hillview Primary by Paula Callus and Sofronis Esthathiou, with an aim to look at the use of animation tools within the learning environment. Students in Year 5 (9-10years old) will be completing a short animated film based on Greek Mythology, using cut-out/collage direct animation. The film was entirely designed and developed through from concept, narrative to style and production, simulating the production pipeline within an animation studio, by the students themselves.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Paula Callus and Sofronis Efstathiou