Expanding the reach of contextual behavioral science to older adult populations

Authors: McCurry, S.M., Bolderston, H., Gillanders, D., McGowan, S.K. and Souza, A.

Conference: ACBS World Conference IX

Dates: 14-19 June 2016


Globally, the number of individuals 60 years and older is expected to more than double by 2050. The U.N. International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) focuses on three priority areas: older persons and development; advancing health and well-being into old age; and ensuring enabling and supportive environments. This symposium presents three culturally diverse lines of research relevant to these priority areas and the contextual behavioral science community. Dr. Gillanders from the United Kingdom examines the relationship between psychological flexibility and the gerontological theory of Selection, Optimisation, and Compensation. Dr. McGowan presents data on an ACT-informed variation of CBT for insomnia that has been piloted with U.S.

veterans with a variety of medical morbidities. Ms.

Souza presents data from a Seattle-based participatory research study examining contextual challenges identifying and serving homeless older adults with cognitive impairment. Combined, the papers illustrate the complexity of serving this diverse and growing clinical population

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