Supporting Staff to Support Students: Proposals for Enhancing the Student Experience - SupportBU.

Authors: Hartwell, H.

Conference: Bournemouth University Learning and Teaching Conference: Re-Inventing The Student Experience For An Academically-Led University

Dates: 15 May 2007


Supporting staff to support students: proposals for enhancing the student experience – Quality enhancement in Higher Education is a strategic issue for all institutions and student support has been identified as an emerging priority due to agendas of widening participation, student diversity and employability. The statement of strategic intent in Bournemouth University Corporate Plan (2006) outlines the aim of developing students to be ‘self-motivated, independent, lifelong learners’ and reflects the stated values of being a University that is ‘friendly, professional, inclusive and supportive’. However, consistency of student experience is essential and a framework required that supports staff.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Heather Hartwell