Jane Elsley

Dr Jane Elsley

  • 01202 961937
  • jelsley at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Principal Academic in Psychology
  • Poole House P126, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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I graduated from the University of Plymouth in 2002 with a BSc. (Hons) in Psychology (major) and Law (minor), then went on to complete an MSc. (Psychological Research Methods) and PhD (exploring visual-spatial binding in working memory) as part of an ESRC 1+3 scholarship scheme. After completing my PhD, I worked for three years as a postdoctoral research fellow (University of Plymouth) on an ESRC funded project examining verbal-spatial binding in working memory.

Research Interests: Feature integration, working memory, visuo-spatial short-term memory; attention.


My research investigates feature binding in working memory, which is the question of how otherwise disparately processed classes of information are combined into unitary objects or wholes. While binding is now widely regarded as an important determinant of short-term (or working) memory performance, relatively little is understood about the processes that bind information together, or the characteristics of the bound representations that are created. In addition, I have also conducted research investigating the characteristics of cognitive (auditory and tactile) distraction by irrelevant stimuli using a behavioural adaptation of the "oddball" paradigm.


  • Moss, A.G., Miles, C., Elsley, J.V. and Johnson, A.J., 2016. Odorant normative data for use in olfactory memory experiments: Dimension selection and analysis of individual differences. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (AUG).
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B., 2015. The asymmetry and temporal dynamics of incidental letter-location bindings in working memory. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2015), 68 (3), 433-441.
  • Parmentier, F.B.R., Maybery, M.T. and Elsley, J.V., 2010. The involuntary capture of attention by novel feature pairings: A study of voice–location integration in auditory sensory memory . Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 72 (2), 279-284.
  • Campo, P., Poch, C., Parmentier, F.B.R., Moriattie, S., Elsley, J.V., Castellanos, N., Ruiz-Vargas, J.M., del Pozo, F. and Maestu, F., 2010. Oscillatory activity in prefrontal and posterior regions during implicit letter-location binding. NeuroImage, 49, 2807-2815.
  • Poch, C., Campo, P., Parmentier, F.B.R., Ruiz-Vargas, J.M., Elsley, J.V., Castellanos, N., Maestu, F. and del Pozo, F., 2010. Explicit processing of verbal and spatial features during letter-location binding modulates oscillatory activity of a fronto-parietal network. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3846-3854.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2009. Is verbal-spatial binding in working memory impaired by a concurrent memory load? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62 (9), 1696-1705.

Journal Articles

  • Roe, D., Allen, R.J., Elsley, J., Miles, C. and Johnson, A.J., 2024. Working memory prioritisation effects in tactile immediate serial recall. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
  • Moss, A., Miles, C., Elsley, J. and Johnson, A.J., 2019. Olfactory working memory: exploring the differences in n-back memory for high and low verbalisable odorants. Memory, 27 (10), 1319-1344.
  • Moss, A., Miles, C., Elsley, J. and Johnson, A., 2018. Item-specific proactive interference in olfactory working memory. Memory, 26 (4), 468-482.
  • Moss, A.G., Miles, C., Elsley, J.V. and Johnson, A.J., 2016. Odorant normative data for use in olfactory memory experiments: Dimension selection and analysis of individual differences. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (AUG).
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B., 2015. The asymmetry and temporal dynamics of incidental letter-location bindings in working memory. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2015), 68 (3), 433-441.
  • Parmentier, F.B.R., Turner, J. and Elsley, J.V., 2011. Distraction by auditory novelty: The course and aftermath of novelty and semantic effects. Experimental Psychology, 58 (2), 92-101.
  • Parmentier, F.B.R., Ljungberg, J.K., Elsley, J.V. and Lindkvist, M., 2011. A behavioral study of distraction by vibrotactile novelty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 37, 1134-1139.
  • Parmentier, F.B.R., Elsley, J.V., Andrés, P. and Barceló, F., 2011. Why are auditory novels distracting? Contrasting the roles of novelty, violation of expectation and stimulus change. Cognition, 119, 374-380.
  • Parmentier, F.B.R., Elsley, J.V. and Ljungberg, J.K., 2010. Behavioral distraction by auditory novelty is not only about novelty: The role of the distracter’s informational value. Cognition, 115, 504-511.
  • Parmentier, F.B.R., Maybery, M.T. and Elsley, J.V., 2010. The involuntary capture of attention by novel feature pairings: A study of voice–location integration in auditory sensory memory . Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 72 (2), 279-284.
  • Campo, P., Poch, C., Parmentier, F.B.R., Moriattie, S., Elsley, J.V., Castellanos, N., Ruiz-Vargas, J.M., del Pozo, F. and Maestu, F., 2010. Oscillatory activity in prefrontal and posterior regions during implicit letter-location binding. NeuroImage, 49, 2807-2815.
  • Poch, C., Campo, P., Parmentier, F.B.R., Ruiz-Vargas, J.M., Elsley, J.V., Castellanos, N., Maestu, F. and del Pozo, F., 2010. Explicit processing of verbal and spatial features during letter-location binding modulates oscillatory activity of a fronto-parietal network. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3846-3854.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2009. Is verbal-spatial binding in working memory impaired by a concurrent memory load? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62 (9), 1696-1705.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2008. Asymmetry in the binding of verbal and spatial information in working memory. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 783.


  • Poch, C., Campo, P., Parmentier, F.B.R., Elsley, J.V., Pozo, F. and Ruiz-Vargas, J.M., 2010. Oscillatory activity in prefrontal cortex during implicit letter-location binding. In: Supek, S. and Suac, A., eds. Biomag2010: 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism Advances in Biomagnetism. Springer, 350-353.


  • Moss, A., Johnson, A., Elsley, J. and Miles, C., 2016. Evidence for an independent olfactory working memory that is not reliant on verbal or visual recoding. In: 6th International Conference on Memory (ICOM6) 17-22 July 2016 Budapest, Hungary.
  • Moss, A., Johnson, A., Elsley, J. and Miles, C., 2014. Categorisation of olfactory perception: normative data for a large set of odours. In: Cognitive Section of the British Psychological Society 3-5 September 2014 Nottingham Trent University.
  • Ferneyhough, S., Elsley, J. and Johnson, A., 2014. The effects of normal cognitive ageing on the incidental binding of “what” to “where” in visual short term memory. In: Cognitive Section of the British Psychological Society 3-5 September 2014 Nottingham Trent University.
  • Moss, A., Johnson, A., Elsley, J. and Miles, C., 2014. Proactive interference in short term olfactory memory. In: Cognitive Section of the British Psychological Society, Nottingham Trent University 3-5 September 2014 Nottingham Trent University.
  • Elsley, J. and Parmentier, F., 2014. Exploring the symmetry and temporal dynamics of verbal-spatial binding in working memory. In: International Conference on Working Memory 9 July-11 September 2014 Cambridge.
  • Ferneyhough, S., Elsley, J. and Parmentier, F., 2014. Contrasting the role of attentional resources during surface-feature binding and location binding in working memory. In: International Conference on Working Memory 9-11 July 2014 Cambridge.
  • Ferneyhough, S., Elsley, J. and Johnson, A., 2013. Feature binding across the lifespan. In: Joint BPS Cognitive & Developmental Section conference 4-6 September 2013 Reading.
  • Elsley, J., Parmentier, F., Maybery, M. and Udale, R., 2012. The retrieval of features and objects from visual working memory as a function of their spatial proximity. In: BPS Annual Cognitive Section Conference 29-31 August 2012 Glasgow.
  • Elsley, J.V., Parmentier, F.B.R., Maybery, M.T. and Udale, R.C., 2012. Investigating the role of spatial location in surface-feature binding: The retrieval of features and objects as a function of spatial proximity. In: Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. 11-16 May 2012 Naples, FL, USA..
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2011. Exploring the role of attention in feature binding in working memory. In: 5th International Conference on Memory 31 July-5 August 2011 University of York, England.
  • Elsley, J.V., Parmentier, F.B.R., Maybery, M.T. and Udale, R.C., 2011. Exploring binding in working memory: Feature retrieval as a function of object proximity. In: 28th Annual BPS Cognitive Section Conference 6-8 September 2011 Keele University, England.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2010. Exploring the role of attention for visuo-spatial feature binding in working memory. In: Annual Meeting of the British Psychological Society, Cognitive Section 6-8 September 2010 Cardiff University, Wales.
  • Poch, C., Campo, P., Parmentier, F.B.R., Elsley, J.V., Pozo, E. and Ruiz-Vargas, J.M., 2010. Oscillatory activity during the maintenance of verbal-spatial bound representations. In: First International Congress EPS and SEPEX 15-17 April 2010 Granada, Spain.
  • Campo, P., Poch, C., Parmentier, F.B.R., Elsley, J.V., Ruiz-Vargas, J.M., Pozo, F. and Maestu, F., 2010. Theta and gamma oscillations in prefrontal cortex differentiate intentional from incidental letter-location binding. In: 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism 28 March-1 April 2010 Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2009. Is verbal-spatial binding in working memory impaired by a concurrent memory load? In: Annual Meeting of the South West Memory Group 22 January 2009 Plymouth, England.
  • Parmentier, F.B.R., Elsley, J.V. and Ljungberg, J.K., 2009. The involuntary capture of attention by novel sounds: Is it really about novelty? In: APCAM 2009: 8th Annual Auditory Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting 19 November 2009 Boston, MA, USA.
  • Ljungberg, J.K., Parmentier, F.B.R. and Elsley, J.V., 2009. Attention captured - What constitutes a good alarm? In: APCAM 2009: 8th Annual Auditory Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting 19 November 2009 Boston, MA, USA.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2008. Verbal-spatial binding in working memory and the role of attention. In: Annual Meeting of the British Psychological Society, Cognitive Section. 7-10 September 2008 Southampton, England.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2008. The role of attention for verbal-spatial binding in working memory. In: 49th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society 13-16 November 2008 Chicago, USA.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2008. Asymmetry in the binding of verbal and spatial information in working memory. In: XXIX International Congress of Psychology 20-25 July 2008 Berlin, Germany.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2007. Does binding to location require attention? In: XXIV Annual Meeting of the British Psychological Society, Cognitive Section 20-22 August 2007 University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2007. Exploring the determinants of the binding asymmetry in visuo-spatial memory. In: Joint Meeting of the Psychonomic Society and the Experimental Psychology Society 4-7 July 2007 Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2007. The binding asymmetry in visuo-spatial memory. In: Annual Conference of the School of Psychology 27 April 2007 University of Plymouth, England.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2005. Feature binding in visuo-spatial short-term memory: An asymmetry in association between the encoding of shape and location. In: Annual Meeting of the British Psychological Society, Cognitive Section 31 August-3 September 2005 Leeds, UK.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2005. Feature binding within visuo-spatial short-term memory: Asymmetry between shape and location encoding. In: 46th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. 10-13 November 2005 Toronto, Canada.
  • Elsley, J.V. and Parmentier, F.B.R., 2004. Visuo-spatial binding in short-term memory. In: Annual Meeting of the British Psychological Society, Cognitive Section 6-8 September 2004 Leeds, UK.


  • Moss, A., Miles, C., Elsley, J. and Johnson, A., 2018. Olfactory working memory: quantitative and qualitative differences in n-back performance for high and low verbalisable odours. In: Joint meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society and CSBBCS.
  • Moss, A., Johnson, A., Elsley, J. and Miles, C., 2016. Remembering and knowing in olfactory working memory. In: 6th International Conference on Memory (ICOM6).

PhD Students

  • Simon Ferneyhough


  • Binding in Working Memory: Exploring the Internal Focus of Attention (ESRC, 06 Jul 2010). Completed


  • PhD in Visual-spatial binding in working memory (2007)
  • MSc in Psychological Research Methods (2003)
  • BSc (Hons) in Psychology (Major) with Law (Minor) (2002)


  • Psychonomic Society, Member (2015-),