Unveiling the black-box of innovation: a methodological tool for the analysis of the efficiency of regional innovation systems

Authors: Parrilli, M.D.

Journal: Journal of Strategic Management Education

Volume: 9

Issue: 1

Publisher: Senate Hall Academic Publishings

ISSN: 1649-3877


In this paper we develop a methodological tool for the analysis of the efficiency of innovation systems (IS). This tool, the knowledge/innovation value chain, was earlier used in management to analyse the generation, development and exploitation of ideas from the prospect of individual companies. We apply it to the IS by segmenting its phases/functions; in this way this tool helps unveiling the black box of innovation by spotting bottlenecks and constraints that prevent an efficient and effective flow of knowledge inputs and innovation outputs between different phases and agents of the IS. In this paper we use it through a systematic comparison with representative countries. In general we target a key topic for many scholars and international organisations (EU, OECD) that query about the degree of efficiency of any innovation system on the basis of the recognition that the existence of a plurality of agents does not guarantee such efficiency and effectiveness. These agents may not fulfill their tasks or may duplicate each other’s activity, or even compete with one another instead of cooperating and complementing their specialisations in a way that increases the IS innovation output. This topic is analysed through a systematic comparison between the Basque Country and a small group of representative countries. It is researched through an integrated approach to innovation that stresses not only the traditional focus on science and technology drivers, but also the importance of new interactive drivers (e.g. cooperation with clients and suppliers) identified by novel strands of research


Source: Manual