Exploring Consumer Engagement in Gamified Health and Fitness Mobile Apps

Authors: Goodwin, E., Ramjaun, T., Goodwin and Ellie

Editors: Denegri-Knott, J. and Hodges, C.

Journal: Journal of Promotional Communication

Volume: 5

Issue: 2

Pages: 176-190

Publisher: Bournemouth University


This paper explores how Generation Y engages with gamified health and fitness mobile apps focussing on the popular Nike+ and Fitbit apps. An interpretative approach was adopted whereby ten in-depth interviews were carried out to explore this phenomenon from the perspective of the user. Findings suggest that consumers enjoy receiving intrinsic rewards but these only hold value when players understand the behaviour or activity for why they are being rewarded. It was also found that consumers would welcome social media integration in the gamified apps only if a purpose is clearly identified. Finally, competitive elements, such as leaderboards, points and status, are most likely to enhance consumer engagement but brands need to create opportunities for constructive competition.



Source: Manual

Exploring Consumer Engagement in Gamified Health and Fitness Mobile Apps

Authors: Goodwin, E. and Ramjaun, T.R.

Journal: Journal of Promotional Communication

Volume: 5

Issue: 2

Pages: 176-190


This paper explores how Generation Y engages with gamified health and fitness mobile apps focussing on the popular Nike+ and Fitbit apps. An interpretative approach was adopted whereby ten in-depth interviews were carried out to explore this phenomenon from the perspective of the user. Findings suggest that consumers enjoy receiving intrinsic rewards but these only hold value when players understand the behaviour or activity for why they are being rewarded. It was also found that consumers would welcome social media integration in the gamified apps only if a purpose is clearly identified. Finally, competitive elements, such as leaderboards, points and status, are most likely to enhance consumer engagement but brands need to create opportunities for constructive competition.



Source: BURO EPrints