Estimating the value of the social benefits to visitors to a large art gallery

Authors: Baker, M., Bennett, M., Campbell, M., Gilbert, D., Ladkin, A. and Song, H.

Journal: International Journal of Heritage Studies

Volume: 3

Issue: 4

Pages: 230-243

eISSN: 1470-3610

ISSN: 1352-7258

DOI: 10.1080/13527259808722210


Museums and galleries benefit the community. However, with increased pressure on funding, galleries have to demonstrate that the benefits equal or preferably exceed the costs of providing them. This is not an easy task, given the nature of the benefits which galleries provide. This paper identifies four categories of beneficiary: the visitors; the users - those who may be researchers, or from the media or education, who seek information or assistance from a gallery, or look to it to provide research services; the stakeholders - groups or individuals with an interest in the gallery, including politicians, donors, artists and so on; and society at large, which generally thinks galleries and museums are a good thing, although not every member visits them. The paper goes on to consider how, in practice, Cost Benefit Analysis enables monetary values to be put on these benefits, with an example of how, for one proposed gallery, the social benefits to the visitors were valued. © 1998 Intellect Ltd.

Source: Scopus

Preferred by: Adele Ladkin