Supporting People with Mental Health Concerns

Authors: Baron, S. and Trenoweth, S.

Pages: 78-95

Publisher: Sage Learning Matters

Place of Publication: London, New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, Singapore

ISBN: 978-1-5297-1648-1


Communication is a core skill of nurses and regardless of the setting within which we work, we must be mindful of unintended communication (which may undermine the messages we wish to send) and mindful how we can use our skills to communicate effectively with our patients (which may promote the messages). We must also be reception to the communication which our patients, clients and service users are sending to us, and sensitive to how their symptoms and wider health care experiences might undermine the messages they intend to send. This chapter will explore various strategies that could be employed by the adult nurse to help deliver person-centred care to people experiencing mental health challenges.

Source: Manual