Intersecting mixed methods with phenomenology

Authors: Mayoh, J., Colditz, J. and Frost, N.

Pages: 550-557

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.11054-1


In this chapter we provide both a philosophical and practical discussion regarding the intersection between phenomenology and methods grounded in post-positivism within a single study and provide two illustrative examples of mixed methods research that have incorporated phenomenology in a philosophically sensitive manner. In doing so, we present an overview of the ongoing conceptualization of Mixed Methods Phenomenological Research (MMPR) and a framework for the use of phenomenology as a component within Mixed Methods Research (MMR), exploring how MMPR expands current methodological practice and contributes to the advancement of MMR.

Source: Scopus

Intersecting mixed methods with phenomenology

Authors: Mayoh, J.

Publisher: Elsevier

Source: Manual