Education and Practice World Café – Escalating Concerns about Care: Working Together to Safeguard Women and Families

Authors: Cameron, J., Bharj, K., Way, S. and McIntosh, C.

Conference: International Congress of Midwives

Dates: 1-5 June 2014


Aim Participants will have the opportunity to share country specific experiences about why midwives and midwifery students may fail to raise concerns and report poor standards of care which they have witnessed. Barriers and challenges will be explored with the aim of developing strategies to support midwives and midwifery students to highlight their concerns about practice, so that women, their babies and their families receive the safe, high quality and evidence based care to which they are entitled.

Objectives Participants will be able to: 1. Consider the concept of poor clinical practice in a global context.

2. Challenge the barriers that prevent concerns about practice being raised.

3. Drawing on the experience of the group, explore and develop strategies that can be utilised by midwives and midwifery students to act on concerns about practice.

4. Explore local and national processes for escalating concerns about poor practice.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Sue Way