British Human Computing Interaction Conference 2016

Authors: Sykes, E.L.

Dates: 11-15 July 2016


Invited to exhibit and join a panel that addressed interaction in terms of space, time and digital art. "Can notions of performance contribute to our understanding of interaction to move beyond current technological paradigms? If we were to propose a new vision for human computer interaction, can we interweave the data rich digital spaces of contemporary corporate giants with the crumbling physical reality of human culture? In response to the fusing of digital culture in all fields of human existence this panel examines perceptions of space, place and time to consider both the fluid connectedness of artistic expressions, interacting independent from human guidance, and the constraint of physical motion of the human form, bound by architectures steeped in history, conflict and culture." For this exhibition Rebecca Newnham, (sculptor and collaborator on this project), fired a large new glass curve to project the Are You There through. In the surface of the screen are drawn marks that respond directly to the movement in the piece itself.

Other artists exhibiting included Sean Clark, Alex May and Michael Takeo Magruder. Curated by Sue Gollifer (Brighton University), Vicky Isley and Paul Smith.

Source: Manual