Breaking down barriers to students’ learning: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Authors: Scott, M.M. and Gibson, P.

Publisher: Nexus Education


Research into the wellbeing of students show that, when students are academically and emotionally supported, we can see improved ‘performance, motivation, optimism, and empathy’ (dos Santos Boni et al., 2018, p.85). It is essential that Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) institutions consider support strategies to engage students in active participation and successful completion of their courses. Students, owing to self-doubt, may also suffer from ‘Imposter Syndrome’ (IS) and educators must recognise that this feeling may be present if they are to help dissolve it. This paper uses Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to analyse data from interviews with eleven students, in order to outline four potential interventions and strategies to be considered for deployment in HE institutions (Gibson et al. 2019: 1). The authors suggest that although data was gathered from HE students, that the findings and interventions are still applicable to FE students.

Source: Manual