Consistency of calling performance in male hyperolius marmoratus marmoratus: Implications for male mating success

Authors: Docherty, S., Bishop, P.J. and Passmore, N.I.

Journal: African Journal of Herpetology

Volume: 49

Issue: 1

Pages: 43-52

eISSN: 2153-3660

ISSN: 2156-4574

DOI: 10.1080/21564574.2000.9650015


The calling behaviour of male Hyperolius marmoratus marmoratus was monitored continuously over a 21 day period in the laboratory. These data were then compared to the results of a study of calling behaviour and mating success in a natural population of these frogs. Males were classified as callers, intermittent callers or noncallers depending on their level of calling performance. We propose that intermittent calling behaviour allows a male to extend chorus attendance when levels of male-male competition are low. The frogs classified as callers in the captive population showed a high degree of repeatability in call rate (0.464) between nights. In accordance with this, there was no significant difference between a male's calling behaviour on the first and last nights of calling. These results have important implications for male mating success. The consistency of a caller's behaviour facilitates female choice based on male call rate which is evident on a nightly basis, as males that are going to mate call at faster rates than their unmated competitors. Additionally, time spent calling and total number of calls produced showed more within male variation than was found for call rate with repeatabilities of 0.233 and 0.208, respectively. This result is not surprising as males that mate do so early in the evening and thus produce fewer calls and spend less time calling than those that do not mate. © 2000 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Source: Scopus

Consistency of calling performance in male Hyperolius marmoratus marmoratus: implications for male mating success

Authors: Docherty, S., Bishop, P.J. and Passmore, N.I.

Journal: African Journal of Herpetology

Volume: 49

Pages: 43-52

ISSN: 0441-6651

DOI: 10.1080/21564574.2000.9650015

Source: Manual