Earthquake forecasting model for Nepal to improve prevention.

Authors: Sathian, B. and van Teijlingen, E.R.

Journal: Nepal J Epidemiol

Volume: 7

Issue: 4

Pages: 700-701

ISSN: 2091-0800

DOI: 10.3126/nje.v7i4.20626

Source: PubMed

Earthquake forecasting model for Nepal to improve prevention

Authors: Sathian, B. and van Teijlingen, E.R.


Volume: 7

Issue: 4

Pages: 700-701

ISSN: 2091-0800

DOI: 10.3126/nje.v7i4.20626

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Earthquake forecasting model for Nepal to improve prevention.

Authors: Sathian, B. and van Teijlingen, E.R.

Journal: Nepal journal of epidemiology

Volume: 7

Issue: 4

Pages: 700-701

eISSN: 2091-0800

ISSN: 2091-0800

DOI: 10.3126/nje.v7i4.20626

Source: Europe PubMed Central

Earthquake forecasting model for Nepal to improve prevention

Authors: Sathian, B. and van Teijlingen, E.

Journal: Nepal Journal of Epidemiology

Volume: 7

Issue: 4

Pages: 700-701

ISSN: 2091-0800


There is an urgent need of earthquake forecasting model for Nepal in this current scenario. It can be developed by the scientists of Nepal with the help of experienced international scientists. This will help the Nepalese to take timely and necessary precautions. We would argue that above all we need to use earthquake prediction knowledge to improve the disaster prepardness in local communities, service providers (hospitals, Non-Governmental Organizations, police, etc.), government policy-makers and international agencies. On the whole, both seismology and public health are most successful when focusing on prevention not on prediction per se.

Source: BURO EPrints