Self quotient image for face recognition

Authors: Wang, H., Li, S.Z., Wang, Y. and Zhang, J.

Journal: Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP

Volume: 5

Pages: 1397-1400

ISSN: 1522-4880


The reliability of facial recognition techniques is often affected by the variation of illumination, such as shadows and illumination direction changes. In this paper, we present a novel framework, called the self-quotient image, for the elimination of the lighting effect in the image. Although this method has a similar invariant form to the quotient image by Shashua etc, it does not need the alignment and bootstrap images. Our method combines the image processing technique of edge-preserved filtering with the Retinex applications of by Jobson, et al and Gross and Brajovie. We have analyzed this algorithm with a 3D imaging model and formulated the conditions where illumination-invariant and -variant properties can be realized, respectively. A fast anisotropic filter is also presented. The experiment results show that our method is effective in removing the effect of illumination for robust face recognition. ©2004 IEEE.

Source: Scopus

Preferred by: Jian Jun Zhang