IoT and digital circular economy: Principles, applications, and challenges

Authors: Voulgaridis, K., Lagkas, T., Angelopoulos, C.M. and Nikoletseas, S.E.

Journal: Computer Networks

Volume: 219

ISSN: 1389-1286

DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2022.109456


The research interest in Digital Circular Economy models is constantly growing, especially by studying the impact and implications of circular principles and Internet of Things technologies in modern society. Up until now, Industry 4.0 has been recognized as a vital enabler of circular approaches, building the first step towards sustainable Industry 5.0 solutions, while creating new growth opportunities. To fully understand digital Circular Economy each field needs to be investigated. We achieve that by conducting a systematic review with a thorough analysis on the Internet of Things, Digital Circular Economy, and their collaborative relationship independently, by studying business models, architectures, applications, and their respective features.

Source: Scopus

IoT and digital circular economy: Principles, applications, and challenges

Authors: Voulgaridis, K., Lagkas, T., Angelopoulos, C.M. and Nikoletseas, S.E.


Volume: 219

eISSN: 1872-7069

ISSN: 1389-1286

DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2022.109456

Source: Web of Science (Lite)