Inclusive learning development practices: the consequences of flexibility and choice in the hybrid era

Authors: Kantcheva, R. and Bickle, E.

Journal: Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education

Volume: 26

Issue: Special Edition, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Publisher: Association for Learning Development in Higher Education

ISSN: 1759-667X

Source: Manual

Inclusive learning development practices: the consequences of flexibility and choice in the hybrid era

Authors: Kantcheva, R. and Bickle, E.

Journal: Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education

Volume: 26

Issue: Feb

Publisher: Association for Learning Development in Higher Education

ISSN: 1759-667X


The Covid-19 pandemic, and the move to online teaching and learning, has provided opportunities for the learning development (LD) community to find new and innovative pedagogical approaches to providing a more inclusive learning environment. Many of these opportunities are now being incorporated into a new hybrid era of teaching, which seeks to build the ‘best of both worlds’. To embrace this new era of flexibility, hybrid learning and teaching strategies need to be developed rather than merely being a reaction to a global health emergency. Based on the experiences of two learning developers at different UK institutions, this paper reflects on the benefits and disadvantages of a hybrid mode of delivery of one-to-one tutorials, one of the cornerstones of LD provision. Within this paper we define hybrid teaching as a combination of online and physical environments (Gamage et al., 2022).

Source: BURO EPrints