“Evaluating Restorative Justice (RJ) in Dorset – Neighborhood Justice Panels (NJPs).”

Authors: Lowenstein, M.

Publisher: Dorset PCC


The BU Dorset Partnerships Fund and Dorset Police Project is available online at: https://www.dorset.pcc.police.uk/working-in-partnership/restorative-justice/ which leads to the Restorative Justice web page. The penultimate paragraph headed ‘How are the NJPs monitored?’ provides a summary of the research impact and reforms applied to Dorset NJPs. There is also a link at the end of that section https://www.dorset.pcc.police.uk/working-in-partnership/summary-of-the-independant-neighbourhood-justice-panel-evaluation/ ‘Independent Neighborhood Justice Panel Evaluation’ which has a link to the full report at the end: https://dorsetpccpolice.s3.amazonaws.com/Documents/Working%20in%20Partnership/Independent%20Neighbourhood%20Justice%20Panel%20Evaluation/NJP%20Dorset%20FINAL%20report%202016-06-03.pdf


Source: Manual