Chris Arnold

Dr Chris Arnold

  • Lecturer in Advertising
  • Weymouth House
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Chris Arnold is a Dr of Business, a former CD and board director of Saatchi & Saatchi (London), former board director of the DMA (Europe’s biggest trade marketing body) and former chair of both the DMA Agencies Council and the Creative Council. He is author of Ethical Marketing & The New Consumer and FLIP – Unthink everything you know (shortly to be published). He was Brand Republic’s Ethical Marketing blogger for almost a decade. He is one of adland’s leading champions of ethical marketing, having founded one of the first ethical marketing agencies in 2002, FEEL. He was founder of Creative Orchestra (an ethical brand marketing & advertising agency), The Dyversity Lab (a global collective of neuro-diverse thinkers helping to solve global problems) and co-founder of CONNECT2 (specialists in community engagement). He is a member of the Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (ICRS) and The Network One Sustainability Group. He is a NED on 5 start-ups businesses. He has written for Campaign, Brand Republic, Marketing, AdAge, Brand Strategy Magazine, Creative Review, Impact Magazine, the Financial Times, Admap/WARC, as well as many other publications...
