Emergency Rations: #EdTechRations

Authors: Bobeva, M. and Hopkins, D.

Volume: 1

Publisher: David Hopkins


This chapter is a part of a collection of 40 world leading teachers, academics, influencers, critics and practitioners who have answered the question "What is the technology you find yourself turning around and going home for if you forget it. What can't leave at home or work, what do you feel naked without? (in your bag, in your pocket, wearable, etc.)?" As our lives get more digital and our devices get more diverse and hungry for power, we need to stay connected, topped-up, plugged in or just simply want to prepare for that day when faced with our audience, standing at the lectern and panicking because there is a VGA input taunting you, reminding you that you forgot to ask “I’ll be presenting from my tablet … is that OK?”

Source: Manual