Fathering and Poverty: Uncovering Men’s Participation in Low-Income Family Life, Anna Tarrant
Authors: Parker, J.
Pages: 1-250
DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcab217
Abstract:It is perhaps an undisputed fact that at a superficial, and rather insensitive level, many fathers consider themselves somewhat financially impoverished rather than focusing on the riches that come from being a father. However, the need to tackle poverty and its impacts on men’s participation in family life have been brought into stark relief in recent times, since the imposition of austerity measures from 2010 and the addition of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021. Austerity has a greater and deeper impact on people already on low or no income and the cynical imposition of such measures alongside blaming people for their poverty is reflective of a society in which only some, the economically viable and politically palatable, are valued. Traditionally, men have not been considered an integral part of the family in respect of child-rearing unless it serves the political ends of blaming them for either their absence or, contradictorily,. ..
Source: Scopus