Local information flows and decision-making requirements

Authors: Hodder, K.H., Newton, A.C., Perrella, L., Butters, J., Kenward, R.E. and Ewald, J.A.

Pages: 33-59

ISBN: 9781466628243

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2824-3.ch003


This enquiry characterises the use of information on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the environmental decision making process at the local (as opposed to national) level. Data were collected from nine case study areas, in eight countries, to explore local requirements across a range of governance systems and bioregions in EU and accession states. A strong demand for information was noted across all the case studies, with some variation in needs between societal groups. This contrasted with a substantial proportion reporting considerable difficulty in acquiring the necessary information for decision making. This was particularly true for detailed habitat data. Although the internet was commonly used to search for information, much of the data accessed was not stored on computers and not regularly updated or spatially referenced. Notably, the highest perception of these impediments to data access occurred in the stakeholder groups that also indicated the greatest requirements for information. © 2013, IGI Global.

Source: Scopus

Local information flows and decision making requirements.

Authors: Hodder, K.H., Newton, A.C., Perrella, L., Butters, J., Kenward, R.E. and Ewald, J.

Editors: Papathanasiou, J., Manos, B. and Arampatzis, E.

Pages: 33-59

Publisher: IGI Global

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Kathy Hodder