Schema Theory for Understanding Political Cognition

Authors: Lilleker, D.G.

Pages: 47-64

DOI: 10.1057/9781137313430_3


The human brain is designed to store thousands of pieces of information, each of which guides our actions and reactions. Reactions, in this context, are related to how our brains respond to incoming communication: the process of reception. Reaction is the term used to describe the way that our subconscious and so our conscious cognitive senses initially respond to communication (a point developed further in the next chapter). An understanding of what our brain does, and how information is structured and accessed within our brain, is the first step to understanding the process of what the brain does with inbound communication. Many myths exist about the human mind, the way we think, rather than talking of the brain, which is described in more functional terms. Some myths stem from the functions of different parts of the brain. The right side of the brain governs the creative and emotional functions. It is the right-hand side of the brain that allows us to appreciate music and art, have developed imaginations, but also to have intuition, insight and empathy. In a sense it can be suggested that it is in the right-hand side of the brain where the higher and deeper thoughts may be had. The left-hand side of the brain deals with logic and reasoning, is where we are able to work with mathematic and scientific formulae, and governs higher physical functions such as writing, playing an instrument or drawing. But the left brain focuses on governing the mechanical aspects of expressions of creativity; good writing, music or art is a product also of emotional engagement with the activity.

Source: Scopus