
Authors: Pandyan, A.D., Hermens, H. and Johnson, G.R.

Pages: 153-163

DOI: 10.1016/B978-008045046-9.00610-0


Spasticity, a neurological impairment seen in a variety of neurological disorders, normally presents as either intermittent or sustained involuntary muscle activity. Clinical presentations are a result of changes in the excitability of both the corticofugal pathways and reflex pathways that converge on to the. ?-motor neuron. The impact of spasticity on functional activity and social participaton remains poorly understood. The effectiveness of common treatments, of which there are only a few despite nearly a century of research, has not been fully explored. Future progress will depend on consistent definitions of this multifaceted impairment, and valid and clinically usable outcome measures. © 2009 Published by null.

Source: Scopus