Metaverse Marketing for Community Development: Revitalization of Traditional Industrial Sectors in Thailand

Authors: Sartamorn, S. and Oe, H.

Pages: 121-126

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-06581-1_16


This long abstract paper presents the study based on a concrete exploration of advanced innovation such as the metaverse needs to be done to revitalize the traditional industries in Thailand; furthermore, the consideration of community development should be followed as well as providing a concrete result based on the roadmap of promoting metaverse marketing and the implement of metaverse technology as a tool to support small local businesses in Thailand.

Source: Scopus

Metaverse marketing for community development: Revitalization of traditional industrial sectors in Thailand

Authors: Oe, H. and Sartamorn, S.

Editors: Francisco, J.M.-L., Carlos Gázquez-Abad, J. and Ieva, M.

Publisher: Springer

Source: Manual