Active learning through a 'meta-film' approach
Authors: Basiel, A. and Howarth, M.
Publisher: Amity University Press, India
Abstract:Context of the 3 Continents course The Amity University Film Production course in London 2017 provided the opportunity for 3 Continents students (3C) during their 11 week London visit achieve a deeper experience through a higher level of learning. Our aim is to introduce an innovative pedagogy design of active learning that puts the learners in the role of generate the content of the curriculum. We use a 'meta-film' approach. The focus is the learning process not the end quality of the product. Students do not just talk about film and video techniques, but employ them to describe their learning. They capture learning events using the techniques discussed in the sessions. Our applied learning design students learn-by-doing. The model is students-as-camera-team members.
Source: Manual