E-Tourism as a Tool for Socio-economic Development
Authors: Inversini, A., Rega, I. and Gan, S.W.
Pages: 1769-1784
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-48652-5_108
Abstract:The nature of the contribution of tourism to local socio-economic development is subject to numerous debates, both by practitioners and academics. UNWTO declared 2017 the Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, endorsing de facto the travel industry as one of the levers for socio-economic development. However, what is often missing within the general narrative about tourism for development is the crucial and central role of digital technology. Therefore, this chapter highlights the importance of digital technologies and, particularly, the role of e-tourism in emerging markets. It proposes a bottom-up vision of the role of information and communications technologies in travel as one of the key elements for rural community-based innovation and diversification toward active tourism delivery.
Source: Scopus