VR Simulation Based Assessment Objectives For Epidural Training

Authors: Vaughan, N., Dubey, V.N., Wee, M.Y.K. and Isaacs, R.

Conference: ASME DMD2014, Design of Medical Devices Conference (DMD2014)

Dates: 7-10 April 2014

Journal: asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/

Publisher: ASME

Place of Publication: asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/


This work presents developed methods for assessing epidural trainees within virtual reality (VR) epidural simulator to identify accuracy of epidural placement and technique. We developed a new task-specific learning method with input from senior NHS anaesthetists with assessable outcomes for trainee feedback. The developed VR simulator runs through a series of tasks to complete an assessed insertion. This approach provides a platform to benchmark practical skill competence, giving constructive feedback and identifying areas for improvement. For assessment of learning and to allow demonstration of measured epidural skills an assessment criteria and scoring system is necessary currently missing from existing epidural simulators, which this work develops in virtual reality.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Venky Dubey