Investigating perception changes in teachers attending ICT curricula through self-efficacy

Authors: Fanni, F., Tardini, S., Rega, I., Cantoni, L. and Van Zyl, I.

Journal: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

ISBN: 9781450307871

DOI: 10.1145/2369220.2369229


This paper introduces the construct of Self-Efficacy as a method to measure the impact that ICT-enhanced teacher training has on teachers. Firstly, Self-Efficacy and its related sub-constructs, Computer Self-Efficacy and Teacher Self-Efficacy, are presented. Secondly, three research settings where the construct have been tested are introduced: two related to BET K-12 (Brazilian Elearning Teacher training in K-12) project and one related to MELISSA (Measuring ELearning Impact in primary Schools in South African disadvantaged areas). Finally, results of the three experiments are presented and discussed. Copyright 2010 ACM.

Source: Scopus

Preferred by: Isabella Rega