Developing contextual understanding of information security risks

Authors: Sadok, M., Katos, V. and Bednar, P.

Journal: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance, HAISA 2014

Pages: 1-10

ISBN: 9781841023755


Given the uncertainty and complexity of security risk analyses, there is a great need of tools for contextual inquiry supporting assessment of risk with multi-value scales according to different stakeholders' point of view. Such tools can be used at individual level to help develop the understanding of a problem space. At the collective level, they can be used as a mean of communication to support the discussion, comparison and exploration of different understandings. The exploration of multiple perspectives of contextual understanding avoids entrapment in various types of reductionism and eliminates tendencies towards a deterministic reasoning and the pursuit of one optimum solution. A critical challenge is first developing a large spectrum of alternatives and then managing how the differences and similarities between alternatives will be handled to efficiently support decisions in information systems security (ISS). To address the aforementioned challenges, this paper seeks to explore the potential relevance of cognitive maps use in an ISS context to support the exploration of individual understanding leading to richer elaboration of problem spaces.

Source: Scopus

Developing contextual understanding of information security risks

Authors: Sadok, M., Katos, V. and Bednar, P.

Journal: Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance, HAISA 2014

Pages: 1-10

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Vasilis Katos