Benefits and risks of emphasis adaptation in study workflows
Authors: Tintarev, N., Green, M., Masthoff, J. and Hermens, F.
Journal: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Volume: 1388
ISSN: 1613-0073
Abstract:This paper looks at the effect of highlighting in a study plan, represented as a workflow with prerequisites. We compare the effectiveness of highlighting when the adaptation was correct (participants responded quicker and more correctly), and when it did not highlight the most relevant tasks (detrimental effect). False statements took longer to process than positive statements (deciding about things that were not in the plan), but also surprisingly had lower error rates than positive statements. These findings imply that when the system makes errors in the adaptation this is harmful, and may cause students to incorrectly believe that they do not need to do certain tasks.
Source: Scopus
Benefits and risks of emphasis adaptation in study workflows
Authors: Tintarev, N., Green, M.J., Masthoff, J. and Hermens, F.
Conference: 5th International Workshop on Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments (PALE), held in conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP 2015)
Dates: 30 June 2015
Abstract:This paper looks at the effect of highlighting in a study plan, represented as a workflow with prerequisites. We compare the effectiveness of highlighting when the adaptation was correct (participants responded quicker and more correctly), and when it did not highlight the most relevant tasks (detrimental effect). False statements took longer to process than positive statements (deciding about things that were not in the plan), but also surprisingly had lower error rates than positive statements. These findings imply that when the system makes errors in the adaptation this is harmful, and may cause students to incorrectly believe that they do not need to do certain tasks.
Source: Manual
Benefits and risks of emphasis adaptation in study workflows
Authors: Tintarev, N., Green, M., Masthoff, J. and Hermens, F.
Conference: Workshop on Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments in conjunction with UMAP
Abstract:This paper looks at the effect of highlighting in a study plan, represented as a workflow with prerequisites. We compare the effectiveness of highlighting when the adaptation was correct (participants responded quicker and more correctly), and when it did not highlight the most relevant tasks (detrimental effect). False statements took longer to process than positive statements (deciding about things that were not in the plan), but also surprisingly had lower error rates than positive statements. These findings imply that when the system makes errors in the adaptation this is harmful, and may cause students to incorrectly believe that they do not need to do certain tasks.
Source: BURO EPrints