Documentary film production under neo-liberal circumstances – a genre in change

Authors:, K.

Conference: International Science and Humanities Conference

Dates: 30 January-1 February 2016


With my paper I will give a short definition and the tradition of documentary filmmaking and a short description of what changed last decades especially in production conditions, thus influencing style and approach of filmmaking. With the example of few selected awarded documentaries it will be discussed how neo-liberal politics is influencing via production conditions as well as changing minds style and approach of films, and how filmmaker try to face the scars of neo-liberal politics and what does this mean for filmmaker and protagonists. Keywords: documentary; the free individual; charisma; journey of the hero; dramaturgy; aesthetics; authenticity; representation; AMY; CITZENFOUR; MAN ON WIRE; BELTRACCI – THE ART OF FORGERY

Source: Manual

Documentary film production under neo-liberal circumstances – a genre in change

Authors:, K.

Conference: International Science and Humanities Conference


With my paper I will give a short definition and the tradition of documentary filmmaking and a short description of what changed last decades especially in production conditions, thus influencing style and approach of filmmaking. With the example of few selected awarded documentaries it will be discussed how neo-liberal politics is influencing via production conditions as well as changing minds style and approach of films, and how filmmaker try to face the scars of neo-liberal politics and what does this mean for filmmaker and protagonists. Keywords: documentary; the free individual; charisma; journey of the hero; dramaturgy; aesthetics; authenticity; representation; AMY; CITZENFOUR; MAN ON WIRE; BELTRACCI – THE ART OF FORGERY

Source: BURO EPrints