Pflegerische Fallführung in der ambulanten psychiatrischen Versorgung – ein Zukunftsmodell? Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus Praxis und Forschung im Diskurs / Nurse lead case management in ambulant mental health care - a model of the future? Experiences and findings of research and practice on discourse
Authors: Stadtmann, M., Mikic, I., Leuter, U. and Wolfensberger, P.
Editors: Schoppmann, S., Stefan, H., Hegedüs, A., Finklenburg, U., Needham, I., Schulz, M., Gurtner, C. and Hahn, S.
Conference: 12. Dreiländerkongress Pflege in der Psychiatrie
Dates: 24-25 September 2015
Pages: 220-224
Publisher: Verlag Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit
Place of Publication: Bern, Switzerland
ISBN: 978-3-033-05233-8
Abstract:Nurses in the position of "case leading / case responsible" carers in ambulant mental health care settings are still fairly uncommon in German speaking countries due to legal and other reasons. However, in Switzerland there are more and more mental health institutions that accept this new and extended role of nurses. The presentation provides insights into experiences as well as results of a study that focused on the topic.
Source: Manual
Pflegerische Fallführung in der ambulanten psychiatrischen Versorgung – ein Zukunftsmodell? Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus Praxis und Forschung im Diskurs/Nurse lead case management in ambulant mental health care - a model of the future? Experiences and findings of research and practice on discourse
Authors: Stadtmann, M., Mikic, I., Leuter, U. and Wolfensberger, P.
Editors: Schoppmann, S., Stefan, H., Hegedüs, A., Finklenburg, U., Needham, I., Schulz, M., Gurtner, C. and Hahn, S.
Conference: 12. Dreiländerkongress Pflege in der Psychiatrie
Pages: 220-224
Publisher: Verlag Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit
ISBN: 978-3-033-05233-8
Abstract:Nurses in the position of "case leading / case responsible" carers in ambulant mental health care settings are still fairly uncommon in German speaking countries due to legal and other reasons. However, in Switzerland there are more and more mental health institutions that accept this new and extended role of nurses. The presentation provides insights into experiences as well as results of a study that focused on the topic.
Source: BURO EPrints