Raspberry Pi based solution for Primary Schools Mathematics Education
Authors: Handley, N. and Meacham, S.
Conference: BCS SQM/Inspire Conference
Dates: 21-22 March 2016
Source: Manual
Raspberry Pi based solution for Primary Schools Mathematics Education
Authors: Handley, N. and Meacham, S.
Conference: BCS SQM/Inspire Conference
Abstract:This paper discusses the use of modern "credit card sized computers" such as the Raspberry Pi to create solutions designed to aid the learning and mastery of beginner mathematics in young children, specifically number bonds. The way in which children are taught and the tools available to them grow and evolve. Our Raspberry Pi solutions are specifically aimed at assisting learning during the pictorial stage in which children move from counting with physical items such as blocks to visual representations. Using a Raspberry Pi allows for easier development of prototype solutions that can be interactive, educational and exciting to use, as well as other benefits such as costs and ease of development and building.
By creating multiple solutions and gaining feedback with the help of a local school, I plan to create an artifact that is proven to help in this area of learning.
Source: BURO EPrints