An innovative elbow exoskeleton for stages of post-stroke rehabilitation
Authors: Manna, S.K. and Dubey, V.N.
Conference: The UK-RAS Conference on Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Dates: 12 December 2017
Abstract:Post-stroke rehabilitation can be mainly categorized into three phases. In the acute phase, mostly an external support is required because the patient has no power left to move their arm whereas at the mid recovery level patients require a more assistive support to continue with the rehabilitation training. In the final recovery stage patients are given rigorous training to work-out against variable levels of resistance to increase the arm resilience and their weight lifting capacity. The mechanical requirements for these three stages of rehabilitations are different, whether offered manually or through exoskeletons. To achieve the above requirements, an innovative mechanism has been developed for integrating the three phases of rehabilitation in a single exoskeleton. To evaluate the rate of recovery, three joint parameters have been identified and incorporated into the framework for planning the rehabilitation strategy.
Source: Manual