Attitudes of Students in Crosscultural Mental Health Care: A qualitative study

Authors: Üzar Özçetin, Y.S., Trenoweth, S. and Tee, S.

Conference: 7th International Nursing Management Conference

Dates: 26-28 October 2018


Objective: This project aimed to identify the attitudes of student nurses in cross-cultural mental health care activities.

Materials-Methods: A qualitative research design conducted with thematic analysis using in-depth interviews. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 25 undergraduate nursing students. A thematic analysis was conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire. The findings from both phases were synthesised using a theoretical framework to examine how cross cultural perspective of students affected mental health care provision.

Results: The opinions and experiences of nursing students on cross cultural mental health and its effects on nursing care were obtained after the quantitative phase of the study; these opinions and experiences comprise the findings of the study. Key themes were; (1) “deeper understanding of cross cultural care”, (2) “difficulties in providing culturally competent mental health care”, (3) “motivation in improving cultural sensitivity”, and (4) “possible effects of cross cultural mental health care”. In their quotes, students described an improved awareness of cross cultural mental health care.

Conclusion: Cultural competency in mental health is crucial to effective mental healthcare. The findings of this study suggest the cultural competency awareness amongst nursing students with regards to mental health care was lacking although there was a desire to improve competence. The study findings suggest that greater attention needs to be focused on cultural competency within mental health care education and research.

Source: Manual