Quantum cryptography and chaos for the transmission of security keys in 802.11 networks

Authors: Rostom, R., Bakhache, B., Salami, H. and Awad, A.

Journal: Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON

Pages: 350-356

DOI: 10.1109/MELCON.2014.6820559


Quantum cryptography is a promising solution in the problem of communication security. The BB84 quantum protocol is integrated in the 4-way handshake keys establishment protocol of 802.11 networks to ensure an absolute security in keys transmission; BB84 consists of several steps, but the most important step is the reconciliation which consists of permuting the bits of the sequences randomly using the Bellot and Dang (BD) method to detect and correct the errors that could occur from the quantum system. And yet, it presents weaknesses since it didn't correct all the errors in some cases although it necessitates the most of the time and the resources. In this paper, we propose a new method to permute the bits using the quantum cryptography and the chaos. This method enhances the BD method using a chaotic permutation and leads to a new method called OFBD. The simulated results of the new method show the advantage of detecting and correcting all of the existing errors, increasing the efficiency of this method for more than 25% comparing to the existing permutation. © 2014 IEEE.

Source: Scopus