Provision of care in Maternal & Neonatal Health in Jumla, Nepal

Authors: Tamang, P., Simkhada, P., Khatri, R. and van Teijlingen, E.

Conference: Faculty of Education, Health & Community PG Conference

Dates: 26 June 2019


An estimated 1,200 women die in Nepal every year during pregnancy or while giving birth, i.e. an average of three women per day. In addition, 23,000 children still die each year before reaching their fifth birthday, and three out of five infants who die do so within 28 days of birth. Women in Nepal still face the risk of death during childbirth due to the high rate of pregnancies and the limited access to quality maternal care mainly in rural areas. Aim: To explore the impact of the changing governmental organisation following the introduction of a federal republic on quality of care in maternal and neonatal health Objectives: assess maternal and neonatal health quality and quantity of services, including health workforce; health information systems; access to essential medicines; financing and leadership/governance explore opinions of health actors on challenges and opportunities in moving to more decentralized government structure .

Conclusion ANC and PMTCT services were provided by all health facilities. Stock out of essential medicine and supplies were common in most of the health facilities. Very few HF allowed women to have companion of her choice during child birth.

Source: Manual