The implication ofReligious Affliction and Political Literacy on Electoral Outcomes in Nigeria; Is there a significant difference between Southern and Northern Women Voters

Authors: Okunnu, O.


Dates: 30 November 2022


In Nigeria, there are substantial cultural differences between women in the North and the South which arguably accounts for lower political literacy and reliance on religion as a determinant of voting. Despite the volume of studies in this area, literature on how culture serves as a moderating factor on religion and the importance of literacy as well as their distinct impact on political outcomes is quite scant. Consequently, this study conceptualises religion, culture, and electoral outcomes in the Nigerian context, and utilises statistical analysis to compare women voters in Nigeria from the South and the North. Using survey data collected between June and July 2022 from n = 2011 and n = 2204 respondents in each region respectively, the results show significant differences between Southern and Northern Women Voters. Such regional differences have severe adverse implications for the exploitation of women voters in times of election in Nigeria.

Source: Manual