Sentiment frames for attitude extraction in Russian

Authors: Loukachevitch, N.V. and Rusnachenko, N.L.

Journal: Komp'juternaja Lingvistika i Intellektual'nye Tehnologii

Volume: 2020-June

Issue: 19

Pages: 541-552

eISSN: 2075-7182

ISSN: 2221-7932

DOI: 10.28995/2075-7182-2020-19-541-552


Texts can convey several types of inter-related information concerning opinions and attitudes. Such information includes the author's attitude towards mentioned entities, attitudes of the entities towards each other, positive and negative effects on the entities in the described situations. In this paper, we described the lexicon RuSentiFrames for Russian, where predicate words and expressions are collected and linked to so-called sentiment frames conveying several types of presupposed information on attitudes and effects. We applied the created frames in the task of extracting attitudes from a large news collection.

Source: Scopus