Extracting sentiment attitudes from analytical texts via piecewise convolutional neural network

Authors: Rusnachenko, N.L. and Loukachevitch, N.V.

Journal: CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Volume: 2277

Pages: 186-192

ISSN: 1613-0073


For deep text understanding, it is necessary to explore the connections between text units mentioning events, entities, etc. Depending on the further goals, it allows to consider the text as a graph of task-specific relations. In this paper, we focused on analysis of sentiment attitudes, where the attitude represents a sentiment relation from subject towards object. Given a mass media article and list of mentioned named entities, the task is to extract sentiment attitudes between them. We propose a specific model based on convolutional neural networks (CNN), independent of handcrafted NLP features. For model evaluation, we use RuSentRel 1.0 corpora, consisted of mass media articles written in Russian.

Source: Scopus