Employability in higher education in a non-western context: the impact of gender, age and job status

Authors: Gbadamosi, G. and Adebayo, A.

Editors: Delener, N., Fuxman, L., Lu, F.V. and Rivera-Solis, L.E.

Conference: Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA)

Dates: 12-16 July 2011

Journal: Fulfilling the worldwide sustainability challenge: strategies, innovations, and perspectives for forward momentum in turbulent times

Pages: 298-306

Publisher: Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA)


The study explored the impact of students’ gender, age and job status on employability and employment in a non-Western context. Respondents were 183 students in a Nigerian university. Results revealed that majority of respondents considered key skills and competences; work experience; gender and age and as key factors in employability, while ethnic group and religion are much less important factors in getting a job. Less than half considered foreign language skills as important. For employability, significantly more males than females indicated problem solving skills as important, while more females considered written communication and foreign degree/qualification as more important than males. The multivariate analyses did not reach significant levels. Policy implications and suggestions for future study were discussed.


Source: Manual

Preferred by: Gbola Gbadamosi