Profiling corruption perception in Africa: the role of religion, gender, education and age

Authors: Gbadamosi, G. and Bello, M.

Editors: Delener, N., Fuxman, L., Lu, V.F., Putnova, A. and Rivera-Solis, L.E.

Conference: Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA)

Dates: 7-11 July 2009


This study investigates attitude towards corruption and the role of gender, religion, education and age using a Nigerian survey data. It also seeks to establish how attitudes towards corruption relates to some other reported ethical measures such as Islamic work ethics, money ethic and corruption perception. Over 3800 questionnaires were administered with 1833 or about 48% response rate. Results revealed no significant gender differences in corruption but women reported being more religious. Also Christians rated the incidence of corruption as higher than Muslims although the sample size skews significantly in favour of the former. Older and more educated people also rated corruption incidence higher.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Gbola Gbadamosi