Shaping the future of shape

Authors: Eves, B., Hogarth, P., Mathias, M., Velay, X. and Hewitt, J.

Journal: DS 43: Proceedings of E and PDE 2007, the 9th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education

Pages: 475-480

ISBN: 9780955394218


This paper is a continuation from papers presented at previous PDE, EPDE and SEED Conferences. The paper will outline research being developed by the Creative Design Research Group, in the School of Design, Engineering & Computing at Bournemouth University. The main aim of this paper is to describe research into shape and form, the translation technologies and how it can support the education of design students with aesthetic design decisions and applications. The research is a development from previous research into a design tool for colour semiotics. The paper discusses a research project at the inception stage; the assessment of the beauty of form, shape and sculpture by the study of symmetry and the golden ratio in 3D objects. The paper will make reference to product and engineering design and the potential integration and application of this research for the education of the designer of the future.

Source: Scopus