Farmland biodiversity and agricultural management on 237 farms in 13 European and two African regions

Authors: Luscher, G., Gillingham, P.K. et al.

DOI: 10.1890/15-1985.1

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Farmland biodiversity and agricultural management on 237 farms in 13 European and 2 African regions: Spider data

Authors: Lüscher,, G., et al. and Whittington, A.E.

DOI: 10.1890/15-1985.1/suppinfo


Farmland is a major land cover type in Europe and Africa and provides habitat for numerous species. The severe decline in farmland biodiversity of the last decades has been attributed to changes in farming practices, and organic and low-input farming are assumed to mitigate detrimental effects of agricultural intensification on biodiversity. Since the farm enterprise is the primary unit of agricultural decision making,…

Source: Manual