Enhancing the Midwifery curriculum on protecting the unborn child: Neonatal Simulators in Midwifery education- Data

Authors: Hussain, H. and Cescutti-Butler, L.


Dr Humaira Hussain and Dr Luisa Cescutti-Butler carried out research with level 4 BU Midwifery students on the teratogenic impact to the foetus from tetratogens. Students completed a baseline BOS questionnaire on their knowledge of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and Neonate Abstinence Syndrome. They then attended a taught session where they interacted with FAS and DAS simulator neonate dolls. After the session students were invited back to complete a post-lecture questionnaire on their knowledge of FAS and NAS. This data was collated and a Paired t-test was carried out comparing knowledge on drugs and alcohol before and after the lecture. Additionally qualitative data was ascertained on the students role as midwives in dealing with babies with these conditions via post-it note activities and a padlet during the taught session.

Source: Manual