Emma Frampton
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Whilst completing my undergraduate degree of Biological Sciences at the University of East Anglia I took great interest in the biomedical aspects and its clinical applications, this led me to to pursue a career in post-graduate research within a hospital environment. Upon graduating I was fortunate enough to gain myself a place here at Bournemouth University, match funded by the NHS, to complete my PhD. This has allowed me to work closely with clinicians within the Medical Physics and related departments at Poole and Bournemouth Hospital.


My PhD research focuses on tracking the natural history of Autonomic Dysfunction (AD) in colorectal cancer patients as they progress through their treatment pathway, as well as investigating a potential for recovery of autonomic tone following successful completion of treatment. It is hoped, should my findings prove to be significant, that this will allow the symptoms of AD to be treated and thus improve quality of life and perhaps tolerance to chemotherapy.

We also wish to trial the use of wear-able technology in order to monitor patients at rest in their home environment. It is hoped this will greatly reduce the number of hospital visits required, reduce the effect of White Coat Syndrome and produce measurements with greater reliability.