Mediating the Public Spaces of Art

Authors: White, N.


White’s research with O+I (formerly Artist Placement Group, from 2007-9) and Office of Experiments (Founded by White in 2004-) draws on the history of social engagement in art leading to research outputs in which public space and artistic practice are examined in the context of global regulations of media space and material logistics. Three inter-relating research projects led to the development of further publications and commissions;

1. White, N. Limitations Permitted. Peckham Space, Peckham Square, London. 2. O'Connell, T and White, N. Where is Heidenheim? Bildhauser Symposium, Germany. 3. O'Connell, T and White, N. the1x1project. 5x5 public art commission for Centenary of the Cherry Blossom Festival. Washington DC Arts and Humanities Commission, Washington DC.

Source: Manual

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