Mothers' experiences of having their baby removed at birth

Authors: marsh, W.


This resource uses the stories and images mothers shared as part of a research study exploring mothers’ experiences of having their baby removed at birth (Marsh 2016). The purpose was to seek insight which could be shared with midwives and other professionals to improve practice. It appears from a review of the literature within this area that, the emotional needs of women who have had their babies removed at birth, is a vital part of midwifery care in the childbirth continuum. However, midwives are reported to be failing to communicate effectively and meet the emotional needs of this group of women despite evidence to suggest that these women will suffer more grief symptoms than a woman whose baby has died. The research focused upon the psychological and emotional needs of women, whose previous history warranted the removal of their infant at birth and that of the midwives that provide care for them. The overarching aim of the study was to explore what women perceived their experience to be and ultimately "what was missing" to help support them. It explored midwives perceptions and experiences of engaging with child protection work and the emotional and physical consequences to them of doing so. It is therefore anticipated that the study and related resources will raise awareness through which current care can be assessed, challenged and in turn best practice, education & training developed and promoted, so that Midwives may learn and add to their own knowledge base in this area

Source: Manual